
Arizona Trade Network (ATN) created this platform to share information about the local businesses and organizations in the Arizona Muslim community to promote our collective well-being and prosperity. This is not a paid service. Our project is completely free, and operates entirely on goodwill.

  • ATN is not responsible for the accuracy of the information of this site, and cannot be held liable for claims or losses.

  • ATN is not responsible for the comments, views, or opinions of its visitors. ATN reserves the right to remove offensive comments or images.

  • ATN does not endorse or assume responsibility for any information, statement, or opinion offered by third-party websites or affiliated organizations that are linked through ATN website.

  • ATN does not investigate, monitor, or check the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of all the information it shared on the ATN website. 

  • ATN is not responsible for any business deals or transactions made with third-parties. For any issues regarding a purchase or sale, please contact the service providers directly.

  • ATN provides no warranties against errors or omissions. 

  • Business owners and service providers can contact ATN to request to have their information removed, added, or modified at any time. Upon receiving the request, ATN administrators will update the website as soon as possible.


ATN website will not support or promote certain products or businesses based on our foundational principles. The advertisement, sale or purchase of the following items are categorically prohibited on this platform:

  • Alcohol or mind-altering substances or addictive drugs.

  • Any form of gambling.

  • Usury or interest-based loans or transactions.

  • Pork products, such as gelatin, raw blood, lard or bacon.

  • The meat of predatory land animals for the purpose of human consumption.

  • Fortune-telling, horoscopes, sorcery, and the like.

  • Prostitution and similar services.

  • Weapons or tools intended to harm the general public.

  • Piracy, or the sale of any item that does not legally belong to the seller.

  • Fraud.